Always upbeat, jolly. You can have a laugh. Absolutely fine team.
Always upbeat, jolly. You can have a laugh. Absolutely fine team.
Really good. Warm. Not typical accountancy. Always offer me a drink. Polite. Know what they can do for you.
All very polite on the phone, all very nice. Very different to the people I normally ring. Extremely helpful, I came to you with a massive problem, you put my mind at ease and were really helpful. Good price as well. Felt a great deal of trust as soon as I walked through the door. Feels very one on one. Makes it a lot easier. Not rushed out the door.
Very friendly and always approachable. Good team atmosphere and dedicated to the job. Professional outlook. Reliable, Easy to work with. Whenever I phone up I can just get advice. I feel you always have time. Whenever I ask a question you will go away and find an answer. This is very personalised. Come back to me when you say you will. You make me feel like you’re MY PERSONAL ACCOUNTANT, just like you’re working for ME. Not just a warm office but a warm heart. A nice cup of tea as well.
Easy to get hold of. Quick responses. Speak plain English. Always explains things easily to me. If I don’t get it you explain things in a different way so I do get it.
Easy. Do what I ask you to do. You keep it simple. I’m more than happy with the service I receive. Always on the end of the phone to help. Sort out any uncertainty with Inland Revenue.
Friendly, kind, a good cup of tea. Helpful. Easy access. Always feel welcomed. Happy with my tax repayment. Good atmosphere. Very helpful. It was a scary experience with HMRC. I feel I know what I’m doing.
Received an excellent service. I never have to wait very long to receive information. Approachable, efficient and quick responses. It’s great to be able to get an answer. Somewhere else I found I never could. Tone of emails are great as you understand what’s going on.
Welcoming, friendly staff and pretty easy going. If I have any questions you can answer them. Easy to understand everything we talk about. Happy with the service.
Very good, handy, like a small business they know their stuff, quite happy to help. All friendly. Andrew is nice, perfectly friendly on the phone. Different completely to previous accountant, not big company. Perfectly happy.
Tel: 01455 233 733
Fax: 01455 210 012
Address: 8 Regent Court, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0AD