Custom Enterprises Limited
8 Regent Court
LE10 0AD
Telephone: 01455 233733
Custom Enterprises Limited
8 Regent Court
LE10 0AD
Telephone: 01455 233733
Easy and approachable. Lots of skilled advice. Teas always on the go! Like the fact that you walk straight into the office, no reception desk.
Very pleasant staff. Everythings explained in layman’s terms. Happy with what you do for me. Everyone is very nice to me whether on phone, email or in person.
Efficient, all right for me, not problems. Easy to get on with and you make it easy for me. It’s NOT Double Dutch. You’re friendly and break it down for me.
Quite a happy team, great attitude, all have smiles on faces. Advice has sunk in – all gone in. I understand what I’ve done, what I should have done, what I shouldn’t have done. Feel apprehensive about the future but looking to receiving more good advice.
Easy to get hold of. Quick responses. Speak plain English. Always explains things easily to me. If I don’t get it you explain things in a different way so I do get it.
Very helpful, very friendly, take away all my worries. Nice to be known as a person not a number.
Very happy with the service I receive. You do everything for me. I do nothing myself. I’ve got no worries at all. Everything is sorted for me. You can always get hold of someone and receive good advice quickly. Very happy
Understanding and go the extra mile to help. Easy to understand and explanations are clear. Very good staff, very pleasant, helpful, welcoming and a good cup of coffee. Saved me a lot on my tax and can trust them.
Tel: 01455 233 733
Fax: 01455 210 012
Address: 8 Regent Court, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0AD